Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Search for Food High in Iron

It's been a week since I exercised with the bowflex. How did that happen? I exercised last Wednesday and planned to work out at the hotel where I knew I'd be on Friday morning. Didn't work. Yesterday was the other scheduled bowflex day and there was really no excuse. I watched the time go by.

I have been in search of fiber and iron. I really need food high in iron right now. I'm back on the iron pills. The doctor told me it takes 3 months of the supplements to get right. The last time I only took them for a month, felt better, stopped. I didn't know about the 3 month rule then.

Anyway, in an attempt to eat fewer calories and get some fiber, which is another thing I feel I need, I made and have been eating my gluten free granola as a meal replacement of sorts.

I made a new batch since the one listed in last Wednesday's post. This second batch has more fiber due to the pumpkin and flax seeds I used in place of the sesame seeds. I also got it together to run the nutritional analysis (on both versions). I did this primarily because I'm super bloated and finally figured out I may now be getting too much fiber.

Per the analysis it seems like I may be borderline. 21 grams daily is the recommended allowance for women. The gluten-free granola has 4 grams per 1/2 cup and the almond milk has 1 so that 5 grams every time I have a bowl and I've been eating 4 bowls a day and not much else.

Plus I realized I haven't been getting all my water in so I'm going to fix that starting today. I saw a cup at Target that's a hydration meter. I almost brought it. I'm sure I will soon. The gluten-free granola doesn't make it unto the food high in iron list. No worries I've restarted drinking lemon juice with blackstrap molasses first thing in the morning.

Question of the Day: Do I have the energy to head to the basement and deal with the bowflex?

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