Amazingly, I have started to exercise. A friend gave me her bowflex about 3 weeks ago. It's been set up and I've been looking at the manual and making plans and thinking about it and planning my approach, etc. etc. Today I went to the workout room (sounds way better than basement). I took it easy as planned. Main purpose was to just go and DO ANYTHING. Actually, the official plan was to do 12 reps of the 12 exercises listed on the quick-start poster using the least amount of resistance possible. Mission accomplished.
Plan for day 2 was to add 5 pounds of resistance (if I was successful doing 12 reps of all the exercises - which I was) each workout until I found the appropriate amount. Seems silly to wait until Wednesday yet I should because the bowflex workout plan said to wait a day between. I have a lot to figure out about the exercises anyway. The poster leaves a bit to be desired in the way of instructions so I need to look most of the exercises up in the book to figure out how to do them correctly.
Need to start a new weight, fat %, muscle % tracker sheet also. Don't think I can post it here but will do it at Multipurposewoman and link. Later for that, I need to shower, find clothes, eat, change the sheets, and do something else in 40 minutes. That's not going to work.