Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Will drugs for my brain make me happy?

My electronic issues are wearing me down. Sometimes I can't tell if it's me and my ADD tendencies or if it's really the electronics and forces I have no control over. I've mentioned before that I've been having technical difficulties for weeks. It continues. I have my google accounts all screwed up OR google has me all screwed up with my accounts. The confusion is making me very unhappy as in nonproductive and not peaceful. It might even be unhealthy. I think the frustration could affect my blood pressure. I'm trying hard not to let it but when it takes 15 minutes to sign into an account ....

What do drugs have to do with any of this?
Well, if it's me that's causing the technical craziness then I need to think more on being tested, officially labeled ADD, and medicated accordingly. Since I'm still in rescue mode I'll tell you my rescue fantasy surrounding ADD drugs. It's simple. I take the drugs, my brain chemistry balances perfectly, I realize my true potential, the world becomes a better place because I've lived and been my amazingly brilliant self. That would make me HAPPY!

Reality Reel In:

  1. I'm too paranoid about addiction and other side effects to take drugs.
  2. Some of the technical difficulties are outside my control. I'm as smart as the average bear and I know how to do simple things like sign in to an account. So it's something else that's causing some of my tech issues.
  3. If I woke up tomorrow and found that my mind was clairvoyantly clear and my physical energy levels were on overdrive I'd still have to contend with digging myself out of this hole I've dug for myself.
Or maybe I wouldn't. Maybe, ... never mind - I feel another rescue fantasy coming on. It's still NaNoWriMO so maybe I should flesh it out.