No experience necessary! That's what the card states. And good thing since I have no experience being a member of a team. The only sports experience I have is doing karate in high school. I'm not good with sports. I'm too self conscious of my body. I'm paranoid about getting hit and/or hurt. My temper's too short in physical situations. I'd either end up hitting someone or crying because I wanted to.
So why'd I pick up the card?
People can change. I need a change. I've read over and over again and said it too, that if exercise was fun and interesting I'd do it more often. And if I did it more often surely I'd lose some weight and feel better. I'd actually be more active. That's good in and of itself.
I can at least email and find out about when and how often they practice. I can at least go watch a game. I can at least pretend as if I'm going to do something new and potentially dangeous and beneficial. The Louisville team calls themselves, The Riversharks.
How many calories can I burn?
One site estimated the calories burned in an hour to be 780 for a person my size. That's compared to 550 for jogging, which I'd never do & 784 for jumping rope at a moderate rate, which I love to do! Jumping rope fast for 1 hour would burn about 940 calories. That could solve all my weight problems. I can't jump for an hour yet I could jump for 5 minutes, every hour on the hour during 12 of my 16 daily conscious hours. Why does exercise always sound so easy and doable in writing??
related post: dance like no one is watching & lose a pound a week